Amity Downtown Improvement Group was started in May of 2007 by a group of citizens that wanted to see Amity grow in a way that was good for all of the community. This original group, Dave Coelho, Deolinda Coelho, Patti Lawson, Susan Powell, Kay Smoker, Mike Berry, Jody Berry, Beth Hornsby, Jo Spencer, Ronald Lewis, John Eshleman and Kristie Buxton's first task was to create a name for ourselves. We came up with Amity Downtown Improvement Group. We liked how DIG also stood for digging in and getting things accomplished.
Officers were voted in: President, Deolinda Coelho - Vice President, Kay Smoker - Secretary, Kristie Buxton - Treasurer, Patti Lawson.
Beth suggested that our town slogan should be "Amity - Where Friendship Begins". It was unanimously approved. (Amity means friendship)
First on our agenda, back in 2007, were the state of our sidewalks and crosswalks, lighting on main street (or lack of), place posts and add hanging flower baskets, attractive banners & lamps, clean up some of the old buildings and to do all this while having a good relationship with the City and Community members.
As the meeting was summed up:
It was further discussed that Amity needs growth. It is the vision of this downtown organization to attract business and families to Amity, in the hope of generating additional revenue for the City of Amity. It is believed this can be done by improving the visual aestheticcs of the downtown area and the quality of life for the Amity community.
Today, we still have a great group of members to ensure that the original intent is holding true.
Officers today are: President, (Treasurer until position is filled) Deolinda Coelho - Vice President, Eve Silverman - Secretary, Caralyn Miller - Member at Large, Erin Rainey
If you would like to get involved, please join us at our regular monthly meetings held at Amity City Hall, 2nd Thursday's, 5:30p.m.
Or give us an email with your thoughts and concerns. We'd love to have you join the team!
Board of Directors
Deolinda Coelho
Eve Silverman
Caralyn Miller
Erin Rainey
Webmaster: Deb Conrad
Seasonal Banners
Summer Flower Baskets
Summer Fun in the Park
Holiday Tree Lighting with Santa

JDeolinda Coelho

Eve Silverman

Caralyn Miller